The Farewell Party
This dark comedy follows the story of an elderly man named Yehezkel (Ze’ev Revach) and his friends who construct an euthanasia machine to help a dying friend. Once word gets around the retirement community that one can die quickly, painlessly,…
Magic Men
An estranged father and son – a 78-year-old Greek Holocaust survivor (Makram Khoury) and a newly Orthodox Hasidic rapper (Zohar Shtrauss) – find themselves together on a road trip to locate a life-saving magician from the father’s past. The occasionally…
Apples from the Desert
Inspired by the award-winning play of the same name, this poignant drama centers around Rivka (Moran Rosenblatt), the only child of Ultra Orthodox Jewish parents from Jerusalem, who begins to secretly explore the secular world. She befriends Dubi (Elisha Banai),…
Orange People
Set in the Israel’s dwindling Moroccan community, three generations of women grapple with issues of family, femininity, folklore, and food. Clairvoyant grandmother Zohara (Rita Shukrun) predicts the future by cradling her client’s possessions while she sleeps. She wants her similarly-gifted…
Sacred Sperm
A fascinating, eye-opening documentary exploring the concept of sacred sperm within the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic community which considers new life pure if born of “sacred sperm” and the spilling of sperm murder. In this documentary Director/Narrator Ori Gruder shares his journey…
The Polgar Variant
The extraordinary story of three Hungarian-Jewish sisters who were raised in Communist Budapest of the 1970s to be chess masters. The Polgar sisters did not choose to become the heroines of this story. It was their father, who, driven by…
Hill Start
Israeli comic-genius Shlomo Bar-Aba leads a star-studded cast in this outrageous dramedy as the head of a bourgeois family about to implode under the weight of a tough father , a comatose mother, a passive son, an unmarried daughter, a…
A War Story
“A War Story” sheds light on the untold tale of Israel’s Channel 10 media correspondents, as they cover the deadly Gaza conflict during the 2014 Protective Edge operation. Interviews with reporters and unedited video footage expose the intricate decision-making process…
Seed of Life
This riveting documentary follows a bereaved mother’s determination to keep something alive of her only son. To that end, with the devoted assistance of a fertility doctor and a surrogate, she embarks on an eleven-year mission to give her son…
The Green Prince
From the Academy Award Winning Producers of Man on Wire, Searching for Sugar Man and One Day in September, this critically acclaimed documentary retraces the details of an unprecedented partnership that developed between sworn enemies. Set against the chaotic backdrop…
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