This dark comedy follows the story of an elderly man named Yehezkel (Ze’ev Revach) and his friends who construct an euthanasia machine to help a dying friend. Once word gets around the retirement community that one can die quickly, painlessly, and on their own terms, they are flooded with requests. The film deals with the emotional and ethical dilemmas of assisted suicide with humor, delicacy, and compassion. Nominated for 13 Israeli Film Academy Awards, including Best Actor (Ze’ev Revach), The Farewell Party showcases a dream cast of septuagenarians.
Country: |
Israel |
Release Date: |
2014 |
Time: |
90 minutes |
Genre: |
Comedy, Drama |
Language: |
Hebrew with English subtitles |
Director: |
Sharon Maymon, Tal Granit |
Guest Speaker:
Levana Finkelstein, Lead Actress
Levana Finkelstein is an accomplished Israeli film, television and theater actress, winner of the Ophir Award for Best Supporting Actress.
She appeared in more than thirty films since 1969. In addition to acting, Finkelstein also engages in artistic sculpture.
In 1991 she was awarded the AMI Award for her roles in cinema.
Israeli Academy Award Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Makeup
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