Sunday, November 23, 1997 • 7:30 PM • at Gershman Y

Dogs Are Color Blind כלבים לא נובחים בירוק
The prestigious Cameri Theater Troupe comes together in this light comedy of Tel Aviv nightlife replete with cops, robbers and streetwalkers. Contains mature themes. Read More»
Saturday, November 22, 1997 • 8:30 PM • at Gershman Y

Passover Fever לילסדה
Starring Gila Almagor, Israel’s leading lady of stage and screen. This award-winning film weaves a rich tapestry of a family gathered for the Passover holiday, with all the elements of intrigue, hope and dedication, lovingly intertwined. Read More»
Tuesday, November 18, 1997 • 7:30 PM • at Gershman Y

The Flying Camel הגמל המעופף
A warm and witty fable of an eccentric Jewish professor, his friendship with a Palestinian rubbish collector and a young Italian nun. A metaphor for Jewish-Arab relations, the film makes a plea for building a better future. Read More»
Sunday, November 16, 1997 • 7:30 PM • at KleinLife

Underdogs: A War Story בית שאן-סרט מלחמה
Pride of Beit She’an, a working class town, this soccer team must beat their rich Tel Aviv opponents in order to remain in the National Soccer League. An engaging action-filled account of the struggles of this predominantly North African immigrant... Read More»
Saturday, November 15, 1997 • 8:30 PM • at Gershman Y

Lovesick On Nana Street חולה אהבה בשיכון ג
Starring Moshe Ivgy. A poignant story with comedic overtones about Victor, still living with his mother, who runs a pirate television station in a small town and falls in love with the beautiful, unobtainable Michaela. Contains mature themes. Read More»