Lightbox Film Center at the International House
3701 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Saturday, March 26, 2011 8:30 PM
A delightfully raucous, slapstick comedy which reenacts the moment of the birth of the Jewish people, as the patriarch Abraham bargains with God for the life of his nephew Lot, supposedly the only good person in the infamous city of Sodom, the biblical capital of gambling, sex and corruption... Cast - Dov Navon, Eli Finish, Assi Cohen, Alma Zack, Eyal Kitzis and Tal Friedman.
Country: Israel
Release Date: 2010
Time: 88 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Historical
Language: Hebrew with English subtitles
Director: Adam Sanderson & Muli Segev
Topics: Judaism
Winner of Best Supporting Actress, 2010 Israeli Film Academy