Afula Express

Afula Express

Israel’s harsh and demanding reality provides the setting for this bittersweet comedy about ordinary pepole (Zvika Hadar and Esti Zakheim) trying to fulfill their dreams in the big city – Tel Aviv.

Voices from the Heartland: Poker Face

Voices from the Heartland: Poker Face

For the past 16 years, Anna, Alex and three other couples have been meeting every Friday night to play poker. When Alex’s memory problems threaten to disrupt the delicate balance, Anna aets out to restore it. Part of a specially…



This modern day mystery intertwines the stories of three young Tel Aviv women (Tinkerbell, Liat Glick and Meital Dohan) as a night of mistaken identities turns into a drama of deceit, escape and murder. From the opening chase scene, we…

Trumpet In The Wadi

Trumpet In The Wadi

Can true love really overcome obstacles presented by a hostile environment? Decide for yourself as you watch this impodible love story between two “outsiders” in Israeli society: a young Arab Christian woman (Salwa Nakkara) and a new Jewish immigrant from…

Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi

Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi

Shlomi (Oshri Cohen), a 16 year old boy, breaks out of his timid shell to discover his extraordinary potential. Nominated for the Israeli Academy Awards in 12 out of 12 categories.

The Postwoman

The Postwoman

A charming romantic comedy about Levana (Orly Silbersatz Banai), a quirky 40 year old mail carrier, who breaks all the rules in the name of love.

Benny, Benny

Benny, Benny

Benny Green (Amnon Wolf), a policeman and a womanizer, tries to win the heart of the now married Mira, his first childhood love.

James’ Journey To Jerusalem

James’ Journey To Jerusalem

James (Siyabonga Melongisi Shibe) is chosen by the people of his South African village to make a journey to the Holy City, Jerusalem. An insightful film mixing fable and social satire.

Columbian Love

Columbian Love

A lively story of three friends trying to bridge the gap between lust, love and marriage. A compelling and clever look into different faces of the Israeli male, as he struggles to balance the love of women with intricacies of…

Turn Left At The End Of The World

Turn Left At The End Of The World

In a tiny Israeli town in the middle of nowhere, two immigrant families, one from Morocco and the other from India, become neighbors. They are forced to live together, suspicious of one another, each raising teengae daughters (Liraz Charhi and…