A Heartbeat Away

במרחק פעימה

Israel, 2016, 55 min, Hebrew, English, Swahili, English subtitles
Directors: Tal Barda and Noam Pinchas

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Gratz College – 7:45 pm

Six-year-old Julius is brought to a hospital in Tanzania in critical condition and Dr. Akiva Tamir, an Israeli cardiologist, must make the gut-wrenching decision of whether or not to operate on Julius, given his bleak prospects for survival. Dr. Tamir and his team perform life saving cardiac operations in Tanzania, a country where five children die each day of untreated heart conditions.

This documentary recounts the often painful decisions the doctors have to make on a daily basis as to which children will ultimately be treated and which will not. “A Heartbeat Away” takes us on a journey as the team of doctors are forced time after time to make the ultimate decision about the destiny of these children.

Special Guest: Director Tal Barda

Dessert reception following film

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